Butler University Bulletin 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Healthcare and Business, BSHS
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Core Requirements
Core Courses required for all Butler graduates BSHS Requirements
Health related courses required for Healthcare & Business majors EPS Course Series
Explore. Prepare. Succeed. Beginning Fall 2022 every student must enroll in the appropriate BSHS 300 section every semester they are in the major. - BSHS 300 - Explore. Prepare. Succeed Min Units: 0.5
- BSHS 300-01 EPS First-year Fall; 0.5 hrs
- BSHS 300-01 EPS First-year Spring; 0.5 hrs
- BSHS 300-02 EPS Sophomore Fall; 0.5 hrs
- BSHS 300-02 EPS Sophomore Spring; 0.5 hrs
- BSHS 300-03 EPS Junior Fall; 0.5 hrs
- BSHS 300-03 EPS Junior Spring; 0.5 hrs
- BSHS 300-04 EPS Senior Fall; 0.5 hrs
- BSHS 300-04 EPS Senior Spring; 0.5 hrs
- BSHS 300-05 EPS Transfer students initial term; 0.5 hrs (Transfer students only, first-term in major. Takes place of prior EPS course requirements. Second term enroll as normal.)
Business Course Requirements
Science courses required for Healthcare & Business majors
Elective courses*#
The minimum number of credit hours for the Healthcare & Business major (BSHS degree) is 121. Per university requirements, a minimum of 40 credit hours must be at the 300 level or above. And for students transferring into Butler from another university, at least 45 credit hours of coursework must be successfully completed here to earn a Butler degree. Electives courses - at least 12 hrs required (at least 3 elective hrs must be from courses outside of LSB & no more than 6 elective hrs may double count with any declared minor) *Please see Approved Elective Choices for Health Sciences Majors below for a list of Butler University courses approved as electives for Health Science majors. #Please see descriptions below for Optional Concentrations for Healthcare and Business majors. The courses you choose for your concentration will contribute to your BSHS electives requirement. Approved Elective Choices for Healthcare & Business Major - AC 100 - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Min Units: 1
- AC 310 - Advanced Managerial Accounting Min Units: 3
- AN 302 - The Body and Society Min Units: 3
- AN 304 - Medical Anthropology Min Units: 3
- AN 380 - Selected Topics in Anthropology Min Units: 3
- BI 210 - Genetics - Fundamentals Min Units: 4
- BI 230 - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology: Fundamentals Min Units: 4
- BI 301 - Principles of Zoology Min Units: 4
- BI 323 - Principles of Immunology Min Units: 2
- BI 325 - Principles of Pathogenic Microbiology Min Units: 3
- BI 411 - Principles of Physiology Min Units: 4
- BI 460 - Cell and Molecular Neurobiology Min Units: 4
- BSHS 206 - Poverty and Modern Day Slavery: a local and global crisis Min Units: 2
- BSHS 210 - Topics in Health and Wellness Min Units: 3
- BSHS 280 - Emergency Medical Technician- Basic Program Min Units: 6
- BSHS 285 - Healthcare Immersion Abroad Min Units: 3
- BSHS 301 - Healthcare & Business/Health Sciences Internship Min Units: 1
- BSHS 319 - Introduction to Healthcare Analytics Min Units: 2
- BSHS 480 - Integrative/Holistic Medicine Min Units: 2
- BSHS 481 - Introductory Medical Spanish Min Units: 3
- BSHS 482 - Advanced Medical Spanish Min Units: 3
- BSHS 483 - Medical Spanish Service Learning Min Units: 3
- BSHS 484 - Spanish Language Immersion Trip Min Units: 3
- BSHS 485 - Culinary Medicine Min Units: 3
- BSHS 486 - Making Medicines: The Process Min Units: 1
- BSHS 487 - Toxicology Min Units: 3
- BSHS 488 - Drug Abuse-Pharmacology Min Units: 3
- BSHS 489 - Spanish/English Medical Interpretation Min Units: 3
- BSHS 491 - Professional Leadership Min Units: 2
- BSHS 493 - Global Health Min Units: 3
- BSHS 494 - Introduction to Gerontology Min Units: 3
- BSHS 495 - Hot Topics in Healthcare Min Units: 2
- BSHS 497 - BU Health Min Units: 1
- BSHS 499 - Special Topics in BSHS Min Units: 1
- CH 351 - Organic Chemistry I Min Units: 4
- CH 352 - Organic Chemistry II Min Units: 4
- CH 361 - Introduction to Biochemistry Min Units: 3
- CH 362 - Biochemistry I Min Units: 3
- CH 462 - Biochemistry 2 Min Units: 3
- CH 418 03 - Chemistry of Food study abroad experience (note ONLY section 03, not sections 01, 02, or 04)
- CS 142 - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Min Units: 3
- CS 151 - Foundations of Computing 1 Min Units: 3
- DS 110 - Introduction to Data Science Min Units: 3
- DS 210 - Data Engineering and Curation Min Units: 3
- EC 232 - Principles of Macroeconomics Min Units: 3
- EI 202 Real Business Experience 2 (prereq EI 201)
- EI 201 - Real Business Experience Min Units: 3
- EI 315 - Creativity and Innovation Min Units: 3
- EN 303 - Studies in Professional Writing, Min Units 3 Writing About Public Health (Note this course may be used as an elective only when the topic is healthcare related. Several sections are not related to healthcare)
- EN 370 - Literature and Public Problems, Min Units 3 (When topic is healthcare realted, not all courses will qualify)
- FN 340 - Corporate Finance, Min Units 3 (Prereqs AC 204, EC 231, EC 232, MS 264, MS 265)
- HN 300 - Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar, Min Units 3 (may not receive elective credit for both HN 300 and BSHS 493 Global Health)
- HN 397 - Honors Independent Study: Thesis Proposal; Min Units 1 / HN 398 - Honors Independent Study: Thesis Proposal, Min Units 2
- TI 264 Business Ethics
- LC 301 - Career-Planning Strategies: Foundations for Success, Min Units 1
- LE 263 - Legal Environment of Business, Min Units 3
- LE 365 - Business Law 1, Min Units 3
- MG 303 - Leadership London, Min Units 3
- MG 380 - Health Care Administration, Min Units 3
- MK 381 - Salesmanship and Sales Management, Min Units 3
- MK 384 - Marketing Analytics, Min Units 3
- MK 385 - Marketing Research, Min Units 3
- MK 483 - Consumer Behavior, Min Units 3
- MS 350 - Operations Management, Min Units 3
- MS 372 - Database Design, Min Units 3 (prereq MS 265)
- MS 374 - Web Design & E-Commerce, Min Units 3 (prereq MS 265)
- MS 375 - Systems Analysis & Design, Min Units 3 (prereq MS 265 and junior standing)
- ORG 215 Speech for Business
- ORG 357 - Health Communication, Min Units 3
- PE 253 - Motor Learning, Min Units 2
- PE 323 - Kinesiology, Min Units 3 (prereq PE 324)
- PE 324 - Human Anatomy and Physiology of Exercise, Min Units 5
- PE 352 - Exercise Prescription, Min Units 3
- PH 107 - Elementary Physics 1, Min Units 4
- PH 108 - Elementary Physics 2, Min Units 4
- PS 235 - Biological Bases of Behavior, Min Units 3 (prereq C- or better in SW 250PS or NW 220PS)
- PS 320 - Life Span Developmental Psychology, Min Units 3 (prereq C- or better in SW 250PS or NW 220PS)
- PS 333 - Human Sexuality, Min Units 3
- PS 350 - Social Psychology, Min Units 3 (prereq C- or better in SW 250PS or NW 220PS)
- PS 385 - Cognitive Processes, Min Units 3 (prereq C- or better in SW 250PS or NW 220PS)
- PS 412 - Advanced Applied Neuroscience, Min Units 3 (prerequisite = C- or better in PS 235, PS 385, or permission of instructor)
- PS 441 - Abnormal Psychology, Min Units 3 (10 hour prerequisite)
- PX 350 - Tuscany Culture and Cuisine - the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Diet, Min Units 3
- RM 360 - Insurance Company Operations, Min Units 3
- RM 370 - Employee Benefits & Retirement Planning, Min Units 3
- RM 375 - Insurance Law, Min Units 3
- RX 312 - Clinical Biochemistry & Metabolism, Min Units 4
- RX 316 - Pathophysiology, Min Units 3
- RZ 201 - Leadership and Decision Making, Min Units 2
- RZ 202 - Army Doctrine and Team Development, Min Units 2
- SO 311 - Law and Society, Min Units 3
- SO 354 - Aging and the Life Course, Min Units 3
- SO 356 - Health, Illness, and Society, Min Units 3
- SP 315 - Spanish for Business, Min Units 3
- SW 200-SO Understanding Society: Health and Illness (Not all SW 200 courses)
- SW 200-SO Understanding Society: Disabilities and Society (Not all SW 200 courses)
- SW 275-BI 01 - Mental Illness: Biological, Psychological, and Social Perspectives
- SW 280-ST - Hunger and Obesity
- EN 303 - Studies in Professional Writing Min Units: 3 Writing About Public Health-(Note this course may be used as an elective only when the topic is healthcare related. Several sections are not related to healthcare.)
- EN 370 - Literature and Public Problems Min Units: 3 (When topic is healthcare related, not all courses will qualify.)
- FN 340 - Corporate Finance Min Units: 3
- HN 300 - Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar Min Units: 3
- HN 397 - Honors Independent Study: Thesis Proposal Min Units: 1
- HN 398 - Honors Independent Study: Thesis Proposal Min Units: 2
- LC 301 - Career-Planning Strategies: Foundations for Success Min Units: 1
- LE 263 - Legal Environment of Business Min Units: 3
- LE 365 - Business Law 1 Min Units: 3
- MG 303 - Leadership London Min Units: 3
- MG 360 - Organizational Behavior Min Units: 3
- MG 380 - Health Care Administration Min Units: 3
- MK 381 - Salesmanship and Sales Management Min Units: 3
- MK 384 - Marketing Analytics Min Units: 3
- MK 385 - Marketing Research Min Units: 3
- MK 483 - Consumer Behavior Min Units: 3
- MS 350 - Operations Management Min Units: 3
- MS 372 - Database Design Min Units: 3
- MS 374 - Web Design & E-Commerce Min Units: 3
- MS 375 - Systems Analysis & Design Min Units: 3
- COM 215 - Speech For Business Min Units: 2
- ORG 357 - Health Communication Min Units: 3
- PE 253 - Motor Learning Min Units: 2
- PE 323 - Kinesiology Min Units: 3
- PE 324 - Human Anatomy and Physiology of Exercise Min Units: 5
- PE 352 - Exercise Prescription Min Units: 3
- PH 107 - Elementary Physics 1 Min Units: 4
- PH 108 - Elementary Physics 2 Min Units: 4
- PL 363 - Biomedical Ethics Min Units: 3
- PS 235 - Biological Bases of Behavior Min Units: 3
- PS 320 - Life Span Developmental Psychology Min Units: 3
- PS 333 - Human Sexuality Min Units: 3
- PS 350 - Social Psychology Min Units: 3
- PS 385 - Cognitive Processes Min Units: 3
- PS 412 - Advanced Applied Neuroscience Min Units: 3
- PS 441 - Abnormal Psychology Min Units: 3
- PX 350 - Tuscany Culture and Cuisine - the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Diet Min Units: 3
- RM 360 - Insurance Company Operations Min Units: 3
- RM 370 - Employee Benefits & Retirement Planning Min Units: 3
- RM 375 - Insurance Law Min Units: 3
- RX 312 - Clinical Biochemistry & Metabolism Min Units: 4
- RX 316 - Pathophysiology Min Units: 3
- RZ 201 - Leadership and Decision Making Min Units: 2
- RZ 202 - Army Doctrine and Team Development Min Units: 2
- SO 311 - Law and Society Min Units: 3
- SO 354 - Aging and the Life Course Min Units: 3
- SO 356 - Health, Illness, and Society Min Units: 3
- SW 200-SO - Understanding Society Min Units: 3 Health and Illness and Disabilities and Society topics only
- SW 275-BI - Mental Illness: Biological, Psychological, and Sociological Perspectives Min Units: 3
- SW 280-ST - Science and Society Min Units: 3
Optional Concentrations for Healthcare and Business Majors
The concentration options within the health science and healthcare and business majors would not add additional required hours for graduation. Rather, it would focus many elective choices into one area. The courses you choose for your concentration (from the list below) will contribute to your BSHS electives requirement. Requirements for a Sales and Marketing Concentration for Healthcare and Business Majors In addition to MK 380 (Intro to Marketing) and MK 386 (Healthcare Marketing), which are required for all students in the HCB major, student achieving the Sales and Marketing Concentration would also take: Requirements for a Risk Management Concentration for Healthcare and Business Majors In addition to RM 350 (Introduction to Risk Management), which is required for all students in the HCB major, student achieving the Risk Management Concentration would also take: Requirements for a Medical Spanish Concentration for Healthcare and Business Majors Students pursuing this concentration must successfully complete: Requirements for a Data Science Concentration for Healthcare and Business Majors Students pursuing this concentration must successfully complete: - CS 142 Introduction to Programming
- CS 151 Foundations of Computing 1
- DS 110 Introduction to Data Science
- DS 210 Data Engineering and Curation
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