Jan 28, 2025  
Butler University Bulletin 2024-2025 
Butler University Bulletin 2024-2025
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TI 240-PL - Ethics of War and Peace

Min Units: 3
Max Units: 3
This course will focus on two normative approaches to war, just war theory and pacifism. We will first examine how soldiers learn to kill and how killing impacts them psychologically and morally. Next, we will explore just-war principles for justly starting and executing war on the basis of case studies, such as the terror bombing in the Second World War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo intervention, the Afghanistan war, and the second Iraq War. Special attention will be paid to humanitarian intervention, terrorism, and the doctrine of preventive war. During the final weeks of the semester we will discuss the philosophy of nonviolence and antiwar pacifism. (U) Occasionally

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