Feb 15, 2025  
Butler University Bulletin 2024-2025 
Butler University Bulletin 2024-2025

Academic Regulations and Definitions

All undergraduate students are urged to review the Student Handbook, at www.butler.edu/student-life/student-handbook/, which details the academic rules and regulations of the University. While academic advisors are available to help students plan their academic career, the Butler student is responsible for:

  • Knowing and meeting degree requirements
  • Consulting with an advisor prior to each registration period
  • Enrolling in appropriate courses to ensure timely progress toward a degree
  • Discussing issues related to academic performance

The availability of an advisor does not relieve the student of the responsibility for knowing and following the published programs and policies. Each student should become an expert on the program being pursued, and on the regulations and procedures of the University. A student must maintain high standards of conduct to continue in and to be graduated from the University.

Unit of Instruction

The school year at Butler consists of two semesters approximately 15 weeks in length and a 14-week summer term. Each course carries an approved number of semester hour credits. A semester hour is generally equivalent to one lecture per week, or two or three hours of laboratory work per week. Most degree programs require an average of 16 semester hours each semester for eight semesters. Neither more nor less credit than the amount stated in the Registration and Records student information system is permitted in any course.

Grading System

Each student is expected to attend all class meetings in which he or she is enrolled. Being absent from class therefore may affect the final grade assigned for the course. Butler is on a 4.0 grading system. When a student completes a course, one of the following grades with the corresponding grade points will be assigned:

A 4.00 grade points  
A- 3.67 grade points  
B+ 3.33 grade points  
B 3.00 grade points  
B- 2.67 grade points  
C+ 2.33 grade points  
C 2.00 grade points  
C- 1.67 grade points  
D+ 1.33 grade points  
D 1.00 grade points  
D- 0.67 grade points  
F 0.00 grade points  

The following grades are not computed in the grade point average (GPA):

  • W–Official withdrawal. Permitted through the 10th week of a fall or spring semester. Withdrawal deadlines for the summer term can be found at www.butler.edu/registrar/summer-registration/.
  • P–Passing grade. Semester hours are counted as hours passed but are not used in computing the GPA.
  • PV–Pass with validation. Grade given in student-teaching classes to students who may be certified to teach.
  • AUD–Audited course.
  • NC–Enrollment in a course on a non-credit basis. A student may change from credit to non-credit in a course through the 10th week of a fall or spring semester. The instructor’s signature is required. An instructor may change the non-credit grade to withdrawal if the student does not attend class.
  • NR–Grade not reported.
  • I–Incomplete grade. This grade may be assigned by an instructor when exceptional circumstances prevent a student’s finishing all work required in a course. The “I” must be removed by the close of the semester after it was assigned. If the “I” is not removed within the stated time, or the student chooses to graduate without completing the class, the “I” will be changed to “X.”
  • X–Unredeemed incomplete grade. This indicates no credit earned, no hours attempted, and no grade points.
  • T–Transfer credit.
  • Z–Undergraduate course taken by a graduate student; no credit or grade points earned.

Academic Standing

A student’s GPA is figured by dividing the total number of hours attempted into the total number of grade points earned. When a student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0, he or she is placed on academic probation. Excessive probation or continued probation without improvement can lead to the student being declared academically ineligible.

Repeat Policy

A student, with the approval of his or her advisor, may repeat a course one time that is not otherwise repeatable for credit. Upon completion of the subsequent attempt, only the second attempt will count in his or her GPA. When repeating a course, a student may not withdraw from the course or change the course credit registration to non-credit unless the student withdraws from the University. This policy shall apply only to courses taken at Butler. The same policy applies to graduate students.

Independent Study Policy

Not more than 6 hours of credit in independent study may be counted toward an undergraduate degree, except for students majoring in science, who may take a maximum of 9 hours of independent study.

Dean’s List

Any degree-seeking undergraduate student earning at least 12 academic hours of graded credit in a given semester may be placed on the Dean’s List of the college of enrollment if the semester GPA is in the top 20 percent of all eligible students in that college. Courses taken under the pass/fail option do not count toward 12 academic hours of graded credit. The Dean’s List is calculated three weeks after the end of the semester.

Classification of Students

To attain a class standing, a student should have twice the number of grade points as hours attempted and have earned the following number of hours. Classifications are applicable to all colleges of the University.

First-Year Student 0-28 hours  
Sophomore 29-58 hours  
Junior 59-90 hours  
Senior 91+ hours  
5th Year Pharmacy 133-170 hours  
6th Year Pharmacy 171+ hours  


Each fall and spring semester, enrollment begins with a two-week rollout of individually assigned enrollment appointments through my.butler.edu. Registration remains open until the fifth day of class each semester. Students must meet with their advisor before registering. Registration in any course for credit or in any course under the pass/fail option, or any change involving the addition of a course, is not permitted after the published deadlines. If a student wishes to make a change in his or her registration, permission must be secured from a student’s academic advisor and/or from the Dean of the college in which the student is enrolled. Permission also is required if a student intends a complete withdrawal from the University. A student may register for an independent study course with permission of the relevant department chair or Dean.

Consortium for Urban Education

The Consortium for Urban Education comprises the following higher educational institutions in and around Indianapolis: Butler University; Franklin College; University of Indianapolis; Indiana University - Indianapolis; Ivy Tech Communicty College; Marian University; and Martin University. The consortium allows a student of one member institution, under specified conditions, to enroll at another Consortium for Urban Education institution in a course not available at the home institution. Butler students interested in enrolling for a course not currently taught at Butler but available at a member institution are invited to consult the Registration and Records office, Jordan Hall, Room 180, 317-940-9442, or visit www.butler.edu/registrar for details.

Pass/Fail Option

The University permits students to elect up to four courses from their total undergraduate degree for pass/fail credit. Courses offered only as pass/fail credit are not included in this total. Courses required for graduation by the University Core Curriculum, individual colleges or departments, or in the student’s academic major or minor may not be taken as pass/fail. Students who have elected the pass/fail option earn credit and a “pass” grade for work equivalent to a D- or above. Courses taken for pass/fail do not count in the GPA if passed; if failed, they are counted as F. Upper-division courses (those numbered 300 and above) taken pass/fail shall count for upper-division credit if passed. A change from pass/fail to grade credit or from grade credit to pass/fail shall not be permitted after the last day noted in the academic calendar. Pass/fail is not available to graduate students as an option, but some courses in the Jordan College of the Arts are designated as pass/fail.

Special Non-Credit

During the fall and spring semesters, full-time undergraduate or graduate degree-seeking students may, with the approval of the department chair or Dean whose subject matter is involved and if resources are available, register for a maximum of two courses per semester on a non-credit basis without additional tuition, with the exception of independent study and applied music (individual instruction) classes. Students should register for special non-credit courses at the end of the registration period.

Student Social Security Numbers

New students will receive a random student identifier when they are admitted that will be used as the student’s ID. The Social Security number is a secondary identifier for all students. In accordance with federal and state law, students have the right to refuse disclosure of the Social Security number.

Final Year of Academic Residence

Normally, a student is expected to take his or her final 30 hours of academic work at Butler University; however, the Dean of the college concerned may, for reasons deemed valid, allow intrusions up to 30 semester hours if the student has completed at least 64 semester hours at Butler with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.


The student must submit an application for graduation through my.butler.edu by the specific dates as published in the academic calendar. In the year in which the degree is awarded, candidates are expected to attend the Commencement exercises in academic costume. If circumstances prevent a student from attending Commencement exercises, the diploma may be picked up several days after the Commencement exercises in the Office of Registration and Records or the student may contact Registration and Records to make arrangements to have the diploma mailed. No diploma will be released before the date of graduation.

Graduation with Major in Two Colleges

Majors may be obtained in two colleges of the University through the secondary major program. This option is available to a student in one college who completes a minimum of 39 hours in another college (30 hours in a major field and at least 9 additional hours designated by the Dean of that college). The secondary major is indicated on transcripts and in the graduation program; however, only one degree is awarded.

Graduation with Minors

Minors can be obtained in a college or department separate from the student’s primary major by satisfying the program as designated by that college or department. A minor consists of 18-24 semester hours; it will be indicated on transcripts.

Requirements for Graduation

All candidates for undergraduate degrees must complete the University Core Curriculum. All students with a previous bachelor’s degree are waived from the Core. At least 45 semester hours of work must be completed at Butler.

At least 30 of the 45 hours must be in the college granting the undergraduate degree. At least 40 hours of the total curriculum must be courses numbered at the 300 level or above. Candidates for undergraduate degrees must have at least a 2.0 GPA. Candidates for graduate degrees must have at least a 3.0 GPA.

All candidates in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must pass a minimum of 120 semester hours. Candidates in the College of Education must pass a minimum of 126 semester hours. Candidates in the Jordan College of the Arts must pass a minimum of 124-128 semester hours depending on the major. Candidates in the Lacy School of Business must pass a minimum of 122 semester hours. Candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences must pass a minimum of 120 semester hours; Master of Physician Assistant Studies candidates will complete an additional year (52 semester hours) of coursework. Candidates for the Doctor of Pharmacy degree must pass a minimum of 206 semester hours. Candidates in the College of Communication must pass a minimum of 126 semester hours. Candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree from Butler University may earn a second baccalaureate degree from Butler; they must complete a minimum of 30 additional hours at Butler and must meet all the specific requirements for the second degree.

Credit-Bearing Credentials

The following are definitions of credit-bearing credentials at Butler University.  When awarded, all credit-bearing credentials appear on the academic transcript.

  • Associate degree  - An undergraduate program comprised of at least 60 credit hours; typically takes two years to complete; includes a Major component as well as Core Curriculum requirements if the program is designed for transfer to a bachelor’s degree program.
  • Bachelor’s degree - An undergraduate program comprised of at least 120 credit hours; typically takes four years to complete; includes a Major component as well as Core Curriculum requirements.
  • Bachelor’s degree: Completion program - An undergraduate program comprised of at least 120 credit hours designed for students who have previously completed an associate degree or at least 60 transferrable credit hours; typically takes about two years to complete; includes a Major component as well as Core Curriculum requirements.
  • Master’s degree  -  A graduate program comprised of at least 30 post-baccalaureate degree credit hours; comprised of a Content component focused either on practitioner skill development (professional master’s degree), or on foundational and emerging knowledge within a field and including a thesis/culminating project (research master’s degree).
  • Doctoral degree: Professional - A terminal graduate program comprised of at least 48 post-baccalaureate degree credit hours (typically 60 credit hours) which could include credit hours from a previously completed master’s degree; comprised of a Content component focused on advanced practitioner skill development; may include a dissertation/culminating project.
  • Doctoral degree: Research - A terminal graduate program comprised of at least 48 post-baccalaureate degree credit hours (typically 60 credit hours) which could include credit hours from a previously completed master’s degree; comprised of a Content component focused on foundational and emerging knowledge within a field and including a dissertation/culminating project centered on original research.
  • Certificate - An undergraduate or graduate program typically comprised of 12-18 credit hours centered on a particular aspect of an academic discipline or professional field; may be completed independently or in conjunction with another credential such as a degree.
  • Licensure program (e.g., teacher licensure) -  An undergraduate or graduate program that prepares students to meet requirements for a licensure exam needed to practice within a profession. The program includes the coursework and any other experiential learning experiences needed to be prepared for the required exam offered by an external entity (typically a state).    
  • Microcredential - An undergraduate or graduate program typically consisting of at least 9 credit hours that, upon completion, demonstrate mastery within a specific discipline or field (non-credit if completion of non-course competencies); may be completed independently or in conjunction with another credential (degree, certificate program, licensure program).

Degree Components

The following are definitions for the components of a degree-level credentials at Butler University.  Major/Content and Minor components appear on the academic transcript.  Concentration/track/emphasis/focus components may appear on the academic transcript upon request of degree program leadership, but only after the degree is awarded.

  • Major/Content Component - At least 30 credit hours focused on an academic discipline or field; all degrees (associate, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral ) require a Major component (undergraduate level) or a Content component (graduate level).
  • Minor Component - Typically 18-24 credit hours focused on an academic discipline or field; a Minor component is not required within a degree.
  • Concentration/Track/Emphasis/Focus Component- A degree component that is: 1) typically no more than 15 credit hours; 2) subordinate to a Major/Content component; and 3) exclusively associated with a Major/Content component. Some Major/Content components may require selection of a concentration/track/emphasis/focus.

Non-Credit Digital Credentials

The following are definitions of non-credit digital credentials awarded to individuals as a part of a degree program or for completing training in a specific area. As a rule, credentials that are not credit-bearing do not appear on students’ academic transcripts.

  • Badges - Badges are awarded digitally to individuals for reaching a milestone in a program or accomplishing some sort of achievement.
  • Certificates of Proficiency/Completion - Certificates of Proficiency/Completion are awarded in recognition of achievement of the goals associated with a continuing or professional education program.
  • Microcredential - Microcredentials are awarded when students achieve mastery within a specific discipline or field, generally by successfully completing a sequence of non-credit bearing courses or trainings.