Jan 28, 2025  
Butler University Bulletin 2024-2025 
Butler University Bulletin 2024-2025
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SW 241S - Making a Difference in the World: Claiming Our Birthright

Min Units: 3
Max Units: 3
In this course we will consider the philosophical and practical question: How can I do “good” and do well simultaneously? Through the exploration of course readings that consider theories and practices of civic engagement and service-learning experiences in local social service agencies, students will: 1) become familiar with social science methodologies that are used to study individuals and communities; 2) develop a working knowledge of social change and intercultural partnerships; and 3) come to understand how they might make both a living and “a life of purpose, in which individual flourishing is intertwined with the welfare of others” (BU Strategic Plan 2009). This course satisfies the Indianapolis Community Requirement through completion of at least 20 hours of community engagement in a course-designed project that connects experience in the Indianapolis community with academic learning goals within the classroom. (U) Occasionally

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